- To organize scientific and technical information exchange. Disseminating, expanding, reporting and promoting information on resources and practices, and improving skills and efficiency in these areas for industrial purposes
- To promote all kinds of application, research, test, invention, process, method, design, design activities related to welding technologies intended to the welding industry of Academy members and to provide tools, equipment, facilities and other facilities to the members fort his purpose
- To execute, do or assist processes related to all kinds of welding technologies research, experiment, test, technical study, design, design, plant, factory development, machinery processes
- Establishing, equipping, maintaining and supporting laboratories, workshops, factories and other facilities for research, test, experiment and other scientific and technical studies related to welding technologies
- Establishing, providing and maintaining offices, halls, museums, libraries, conference rooms and other facilities in order to carry out the activities of the Academy
- Creating opportunities for Academy members to exchange information and ideas on science, skills, processes, methods, work, practice and welding standards
- Conducting exams for welding trainings on behalf of IIW and approving certificates in accordance with the procedures and Academy rules set by IIW
- Giving operability approval to institutions providing education at international standards on behalf of IIW and control these institutions
- To ensure the coordination between welding industry and educational institutions, to make studies on the generalization and standardization of the trainings needed by the welding industry throughout the country.
- Opening the Academy’s branches, liaison offices in the relevant cities and ensuring their operability within the regional structure of Turkey
- To open Academy branches abroad and to conduct activities in these regions in accordance with laws and IIW rules
- To plan and perform all kinds of international and national seminars, congresses, conferences, symposia, education, courses, exhibitions, shows, meetings and other activities that will support the activities of the Academy
- To produce, print and distribute all kinds of books, handbooks, brochures, magazines, posters, films, videos and other publication and educational tools related to welding technologies
- Gathering, organizing, indexing all kinds of information about welding related materials, methods, processes, patents, machines, tools and equipment, and establishing a data bank to preserve all this information in order to make it available to the members of the Academy, other individuals and organizations engaged in welding
- To support activities related to research, investigation, experiment, skills, scientific essays and articles for the applications of the welding in industry with scholarships, awards and medals
- Donate from government, private institutions and organizations, municipalities, legal entities, societies, local public institutions, educational institutions and other relevant organizations to the Academy and / or to make written agreements with these institutions / organizations in accordance with the law in order to effectively fulfill the goals and objectives of the Academy.
- Define general rules for teaching, training, qualification and certification of welding personnel and rules for their implementation
- To prepare and formulate international standards in cooperation with ISO
- To support and encourage sustainable environmental development within welding activities
- Developing techniques to use computers in teaching, training and qualification of staff in addition and design of plastics and compounds, process control, inspection and information, welding in various environments and under remote control, new problems related to health and safety
- Developing strategies to present opportunities and benefits to existing and potential members
- To carry out training activities in accordance with IIW standards in order to train international Welding Engineers, Welding Technologist, Welding Practitioner, Welding Specialist, Welding Inspector and Welding Designer at all levels. To this end, to cooperate with universities when necessary
Activities of the Academy
The Academy conducts the following activities to achieve its goals:
- Makes all kinds of studies and researches related to legislation research and implementation, publishes, provides support and consultancy services
- Prepares and publishes national and international investigations, compliance studies, research projects and reports regarding the aims and activities of the Academy
- Organizes seminars, workshops, meetings, conferences, courses, open sessions and panels
- Organizes vocational training, meetings, courses, seminars, film shows, exhibitions, fairs, sessions, research and surveys, provides internship and job opportunities, by establishing relations with educational institutions that train welding staff and managers, to facilitate students’ adaptation to their future professions
- Establishes laboratories, workshops, factories, libraries, databases, archives and documentation centers in accordance with the requirements of our age for the benefit of members and interested parties
- Participates in organizations to be held in countries abroad, cooperates, conducts research and investigations in order to promote the Academy strengthen its relations in international platforms
- Makes studies with overseas credit and similar opportunities to benefit academy and its members
- Academy, in order to achieve its goals, can cooperate with national and international private and public institutions, universities, chambers, foundations, associations, unions and professional organizations, conducts collaborations, makes agreements and gets help and assistance from them, also can participate as a member of the organizations established domestically and abroad
- The Academy performs monetary transactions that will increase its revenues within legal practices without making profit, in accordance with the legal procedures of the Academy in order to carry out the activities and increase service efficiency
- Together with the foundation Academy establishes economic enterprises that will work according to ordinary business principles, represent the companies, operate them directly or rent them out to an operator under supervision
- Together with the Foundation, Academy is concerned with activities that are Acquisition, facility, abandon or withdraw personal rights on real estates, including mortgages, real estates, and similar in kind and rent.
- In order to carry out the its activities, Academy hires and fires trainers, consultants, supervisors, commissioners, managers, secretaries and other employees if required